Planning a day hike on 6/24. With all discussion going on about the chute, i am getting a different kind of doubt. is it very natural to end up/ climb up and hit the trail again once you have climbed the chute? It looks and sure is big - if one climbs at a wrong angle by mistake will that lead towards a dead end kind of spot?
If I understand the question, if you find your way to Trail Camp, "the chute" (or slope west of the switchbacks) is easy to find your way. Just follow all the tracks at the top leading to the right (westward) to Trail Crest. From there, you will find mostly dry trail to the summit. Finding your way back is pretty easy.
It is the area between Outpost Camp to Mirror Lake that gives people more trouble. At Outpost Camp, stay northward toward the north wall, until you get to Mirror Lake, then climb the steep slope to the south, go up and westward. Check this area out on your way up, because it is where there are many paths heading off trail.