I dont have that much experience hiking but my 3rd favorite hike of all time was whitney 2016 in about the middle of november. There was a small "warm spell" so i jumped on a plane and went out there. Only 4 cars at portal when i got there the night before the hike. I got lucky and the next day there was not a cloud in the sky for like the whole day and very little wind. I saw 1 person coming down and two people at lone pine lake the entire day all the way to mirror lake. Id guess from memory that is was like 20 to 30 degrees. I carried an ultra lite 20 degree bag and shelter. It got icy above mirror lake on those flat spots and on those stairs on the way up to trail side so for safety i turned around. But it was amazing to be up there almost all by myself. Im sure you know this but there are lots of posts on this site about people getting trapped in snow storms up there so you need to obviously be smart about your plans. Im running errands at lunch and have to go back into work so i can only sit back and dream about how great whitney can be in november if you get lucky with the weather.