Here are a couple of pictures and text from Instagram...

Posted by life_is_goodoutdoors, June 19, 2017:
"Lunch on the chute" I don't know what I liked better, the mountain or the chatter...
As long as everyone is safe, hearing crying and whining is to be expected on some particular hikes. I also love and embrace complaining. For some, Whitney is not an easy hike. Especially up the chute. I witnessed a group of six ascend the chute in 40 minutes in Sunday. I would estimate they officially charged that thing. It took us 3 hours.
As for me, I welcome as many rest breaks as possible as long as we're on schedule.
Whitney is to be enjoyed and memories to be make. Every step there is magnificent and when the altitude steals your air, it only increases you already fast beating heart.

Posted by mermaidlife_outdoors, June 20, 2017:
I climbed the wall of destiny and stared in the face of fear~
Before this climb I had mainly heard horror stories and have supported friends who have had their friends pass away on this trek. I attended a funeral and listened to family members describing their thoughts on why hikers do what they do since they don't truly understand the desire to take themselves to places like Whitney. My hands are sweating and I'm shaking just typing this out. This has been the scariest and also most beautiful hike I've ever accomplished. It's surreal. The pics are out of this world, but there's a lot involved in getting your body up and then back down this mountain safely. Do not take this trek lightly fam. Be safe and be smart. If you don't know then don't go and go with people who know more than you. ~
After the chute I thought holy f*** I'm going to have to go back down. Straight down and see how steep I climbed without having the white staircase in front of my face to look at...all view. Gorgeous and terrifying. So steep. But we only have 1.9 miles left after Trail Crest so this will be easy! The hard parts are complete. Guess again! The last 1.9 miles to summit are really f****ing hard on the body.

      Do NOT Forget the sunscreen!!!
Posted by alexandertseitlin, June 20, 2017: