Originally Posted By: Briang191
I won the lottery for June 11th. I didn't fully understand the conditions of MT Whitney in June will after the lottery closed. From reading online June will is the early season and snow will be a major factor. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I'll be declining my entry. Has anyone on the form had success joining a random group? I'll be searching this thread for other options.

April 1 see what dates are left and may 1 check for the random release.

I went on June 9th in 2013 and there was only a bit of snow left on the switchbacks where the cables are. We all made it to the summit without any gear and it was very safe in my opinion. I do not know what the weather is shaping up to be like this year but I am hoping it will not be an issue as I won a permit for my group on June 20th.