Thanks, Steve, John . . .

Your replies indicate that my understanding of the process is correct -- there IS a quota limit for any specific day. And, like a lottery should work, whichever entries for any of those specific days come up first "win".

Also, you've confirmed that those with multiple dates selected have a better chance to get at least ONE approved date. For me though (Mr. Perfectionist, with an optimal choice made for his hike!) I'm not that interested in other dates beyond the one I selected. (Which, incidentally, IS a week day . . . a Thursday.)

I was already aware that the parking problem will be only at the portal. (But then again, my understanding is that you can't park on the shoulder of the road away from the portal if it's in a construction zone. Right? So even if you DID want to hoof it for extra distance and elevation gain by parking away from the portal you probably don't have that option anyway.)

I was also aware that hanging around at higher elevation could be done at Horseshoe Meadow as well as the portal. More concerning to me is that I'd like to do a small hike at elevation two days before the main hike. To and back from Lone Pine Lake is ideal for that (did that in 2004). But I suppose there is a similar hike that could be done from Horseshoe Meadow? (No need to comment on that . . . let's let this whole ugly process play out this year to see what will or won't be mini-problems needing solution.)

I'll just wait until the lottery results are made known on March 24, and if I'm not successful bone up on the options (as John mentions) to see if that works out. If I still don't have my approved date by then I'll have to monitor what exactly is happening leading up to August to get a better idea of the feasibility of showing up for a "walk up" permit.

We'll all hopefully learn more about how things will tumble out as time goes on and postings are made to this thread when new things are known. (For example . . . might one or two shuttle services start up? And, if so, might that influence more granting of walk up permits?)

(I thought "logistics" were only a problem for the Grand Canyon rim to rim trek, right Steve?! Hah!)