Edit March 23, 2016: Lottery results are in. Those who applied to the lottery can log into their Recreation.gov account to see whether they scored a permit.
Recreation.gov links:
DAY USE of Mt. Whitney Zone Mt. Whitney Trail Overnight PermitThe lottery statistics are posted on page 2 of this thread.
Here's the link.
Originally posted Jan 29, 2016:
This announcement showed up in the
Fresno Bee, Jan 29, 2016.
Good luck in the lottery, everyone.
We will keep this thread updated with up-to-date news from this year's lottery.
Last year's thread is here:
Whitney Permit Lottery 2015.
Here is the info from the
Recreation.gov website regarding the lottery:
The Mt Whitney Lottery will start on Feb. 1, 2016.
We will accept lottery applications for the 2016 season on-line from Feb 1, 2016 to Mar 15, 2016 (midnight Eastern Time). Lottery results will be available on March 24th.
Please submit only one application per group.
Trips sponsored by organizations or commercial groups must contact the Inyo National Forest wilderness permit office before applying for a Mt. Whitney permit.
Road Work: Road construction will affect trips March-November, 2016. Parking will be limited. Allow extra time to arrive at the trailhead. Hikers are strongly encouraged to carpool, arrange to be dropped off, or use a shuttle service. At times the Whitney Portal parking lot will be full, with no roadside parking allowed. Reserving a permit does not guarantee a parking space. Road information can be found here.
Fees: No Refunds
Transaction Fee: One application may list up to 15 trip choices and 3 alternate leaders for one $6.00 fee.
Reservation Fee: Lottery winners must pay a $15.00 per person reservation fee by April 30, 2016 to claim any awarded date. Unclaimed dates will be canceled.
Seasonal trail information, Lottery Tips & Statistics, can be found here.
WhitneyZone road construction info:
2016: Whitney Portal parking & Road Construction
Here is the Inyo National Forest's "
Lottery Timeline" info:
Feb 1, 2016 to March 15, 2016: Enter lottery online at www.recreation.gov (closes on March 15 at midnight Eastern time) Late applications will not be accepted. All the applications are processed together in one lottery after March 15.
March 24: Preview results by logging into your account and view your lottery application. Acceptance period begins April 1.
April 1: Mini- On-sale. Any remaining space opens for real time web reservations for the remainder of the season.
Cancelations and declined space will be added back to the reservation calendar within 24 hours at a random time.
On-sale opens at 7 am Pacific Time (No phone reservations)
April 1- April 30: Accept or decline if you won a date from the lottery. You must complete your trip information and pay the $15 per person reservation fee to claim your reservation.
April 30: Deadline closes at midnight Eastern Time. You must accept and pay the reservation fee, or the reservation will be canceled.
May 1: All unclaimed dates are canceled and released for web reservations (space is released within 24 hours at a random time).