One other variable is "number of hikers" on the date specified. I guess that the entries with large numbers have diminishing likelihood as the number of hikers increases. An entry with only one entry will have an easier time finding an opening. Probably not a huge influencer, but will improve your chances.
Also, I do not think Steve's numbers reflect those successful applicants who apply after the Lottery. Not taken and unclaimed entries are made available. April 1st, and April 30th, so more opportunities are available.
Finally, if you have the flexibility you could consider Sept. Fewer applicants for Sept., and higher chance that the construction at the Portal is complete. The section closest to Lone Pine can be avoided by using Lubkin Canyon and Horseshoe Meadow roads.
Good luck!
Last edited by John Sims; 02/04/16 12:01 PM. Reason: grammer edit