From the Mount Whitney Lottery info page, and 2016 Lottery Statistics

2016 Mt Whitney Permit Lottery Results

13,638 applications submitted
5,010 (36%) were successful

3,134 won first choice date (34% were day use,66% overnight
1,876 won alternate choices.

Whitney Trail Overnight Whitney Zone DAY USE

Appli- Appli-
Date cations Hikers Date cations Hikers
----------- ----- ------ | ----------- ----- ------
Sat, Aug 06 240 1457 | Sat, Aug 06 174 948
Fri, Aug 05 230 1203 | Sat, Aug 20 152 872
Sat, Jul 02 226 1058 | Sat, Jul 23 144 743

Fri, Aug 12 117 971 | Sat, Jul 16 145 725
Sat, Aug 13 172 172 | Sat, Aug 27 105 651
Sat, Sep 03 178 895 | Sat, Aug 13 120 638

Fri, Aug 19 139 863 | Sat, Jul 30 116 602
Fri, Jul 15 169 855 | Sat, Sep 03 85 500
Sat, Jul 16 163 807 | Sat, Jul 09 86 455
Sat, Jul 23 153 801 | Sun, Sep 04 78 445

Lottery results became available about 9 PM March 23 (Pacific Time).

- - - Timeline - - -
March 24:  Preview results by logging into your account and view your lottery application.  Acceptance period begins April 1.

April 1:  Mini- On-sale.  Any remaining space opens for real time web reservations for the remainder of the season.  On-sale opens at 7 AM Pacific Time (No phone reservations)

April 1- April 30:  Accept or decline if you won a date from the lottery. You must complete your trip information and pay the $15 per person reservation fee to claim your reservation.

Cancellations and declined space will be added back to the reservation calendar within 24 hours at a random time.

April 30:  Deadline closes at midnight Eastern Time. You must accept and pay the reservation fee, or the reservation will be canceled.

May 1:  All unclaimed dates are canceled and released for web reservations (space is released within 24 hours at a random time).