Make no mistake, SN, I have about as much desire to start another politically-charged thread as I would to juggling hand grenades blindfolded. That comment was simply a tongue-in-cheek observation designed to bring a little levity to a thread sorely in need of some light diversion. It was not meant seriously, even though it's obviously a very serious matter.

To your point, we should celebrate every opportunity where red and blue temporarily shuck their allegiances and find common ground for the good of America. There's precious little enough of that in Washington nowadays - or elsewhere in the country. Policy debates turn out much like this thread - ideas are tossed around, dialogue degenerates, positions become entrenched (often along party lines) and the end result is a kind of guerrilla warfare more focused on nuance and nit-picking than substance.

Personally, I just feel a bit despondent when I see this. Here we go again: left versus right and very little accomplished from the messiness.