Six pages! Good grief. Paleeeezzzzze, is it not time to put this thread to rest?
For me, this really raises a question: So, why is it that many (most?) people, when presented with sound and factual arguments, turn a deaf ear, unless those sound and factual arguments support their own point of view? I am really thinking more on a national level here, about our Congress and Senate, but in some small measure the comments apply to our community here as well.
Why do we become liberals or conservatives (with a few independents thrown in), and adopt the party line, without independent thought or reason.
When is the last time you observed a Liberal or a Conservative listen thoughtfully to the others point of view? No doubt there are exceptions, but not so many I think.
Will we ever evolve from our “Pack mentality”, and base our opinions on facts and reason?
Perhaps not in the near term, since I believe it is widely held that most of our decisions are made based on emotion, not reason and rational thinking. When you see something moving in the grass do you look closer to see what it is, or do you immediately step back, fearful of what it might be?
According to Drew Westen, a professor of psychology at Emory University in Atlanta and the author of a book called “The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation” (Public Affairs), what decides elections are people’s emotional reactions, even if they don’t recognize it.
We see this “pack mentality” exemplified at the State and National level with the performance of our legislators.
In California our legislators were unable to submit a budget that our governor would sign for 85 days past the due date. Our Federal representatives cannot agree on a course of action to deal with Healthcare, Education, Immigration, the Banking Crisis, etc…., without self serving pork barrel additions. Even if they do "agree" the second guessing/back stabbing never ends!
And, we see this behavior here on “The Whitney Zone”. There seems to be no end to the debate, and little agreement on any “facts”.
I wonder if this is a function of “evolution”. That some of us learned early on that for the individual to succeed the community/society must succeed. That no matter what a fine seaman (or woman) you are, if the ship sinks, you will go with it. While others learned that self reliance was the pathway to success. That we evolved with two different philosophical points of view. Hence, the division between Liberals and Conservatives.
The Liberals recognize the “greater good”, and are willing to make personal sacrifices for the community. They have a greater appreciation for the society, and can see “globally”. They understand the value of unity, and are willing to share.
On the other had we have the Conservatives, who tend to be focused on smaller social groups (could be a group of one). Want it now, and tend to take care of # 1 only. Really do not have a moral conscience (or much of one), and feel that everyone should fend for themselves. You know “Take personal responsibility”, (unless you are a banker).
I guess you can tell from my characterzation of the Liberals vs. Conservatives which side of the debate I fall on, but I do try to make an honest attempt to consider the data. I do not think the Oil companies are evil. They have a business built on a finite commodity, and they are simply charting a course that maximizes the profit they can make off of that finite commodity. That they do not use some of their vast cash reserves to develop an alternative business that not only makes them money, but serves society in a better way is a mystery to me, but I have not walked a mile in their shoes.
Perhaps it is time to put this thread to rest?
Flame on:-)