Oh my, not related. If you can't continue subsidizing solar energy, it has to compete, if it has to compete, it fails.
Pointing out putting solar plants in the part of the world that does not get much sun much of the year is blather.
Pointing out that to redistribute wealth you need vibrant expanding state, not one moving in the oppossite direction is blather.
Pointing out that this more than solar good, fossil fuel bad is bad is not the entirety of the argument.
When all else fails attack the person, not his argument. Who cares if you listen to FM...of course your implying I get all my information from Limbaugh, Hannitty or some equally bad ill-informed guy du jour. This is just another variant of the you watch Faux News and are influenced by the Koch Groups...it is so typical.
It always gets to ad hominem...and the first to ad hominem, like profanity loses.