We are not talking about cars or oil! That is why I used fossil fuels rather than gasoline/diesel/heating oil. The last time I looked oil provided less than 2% of generation.
It cost a heck of a lot more to produce kwh of electricity with solar than gas or coal and our utilities have to buy it at a profit.
If it cost more in one location than another people either move to the low cost provider or do their expansion in those locations. The State of California is chasing energy intensive industries away with their policies...see aerospace, furniture and heavy manufacturing.
If the government pays its favored fat cats a subsidy. What is the cost of that subsidy? What opportunity is be passed up to this favored set of million and billionaire a few more sheckels? I believe the economic term is opportunity costs.
The cost of being more green than the guy next door, is the guy next door that isn't so green gets your jobs.
There is a cost to your position, just acknowledge it.