Oh my, bullying, an over used term if I ever heard one and one that is misapplied here.
So tell me, who do you listen to on AM radio and for how long? It is nice to know I was right about your AM radio comment.
Black and white...seems to me you are the one who is black and white. I solar uber alles. You offer nothing more.
Yes, I did say the welfare state needs a growing vibrant population to succeed and that has stopped in Europe and Japan, and it is coming to a North American country near you. Again, how do you not make various cuts when you have one beneficiary to one worker. You want to avoid this like the plague. The baby boom is going to take us to 2 to 1. If you don't think this isn't going to make for cuts to various welfare programs corporate or individual, I got this bridge in San Pedro that needs selling.
How can it be black and white when I bring up all sort of issues on Solar? See the top of the page.
The main topic is what? I thought it was the best means of power generation. You want us to buy a Yugo but pay for a Toyota and you don't want to discuss the economic impact.
So, want to take $4 bln. in depreciation away from just oil companies, just because they are a set of companies you don't like. They make too much money by your talking point, not in the real world of business. Therefore, why should Digital Realty Trust be able to depreciate their buildings? Or your solar companies depreciated their solar panels? If only for favorites, then there is no equal protection. I do believe we have this thing called a Constitution.