Originally Posted By: Steve C
Originally Posted By: Bulldog34
Everyone can agree on that, right . . . ?

Bulldog, you tryin' to hijack this thread again?? wink

Bulldog, you missed this link Tea Party Fights for Solar in Red States about the Tea Party joining forces with the Sierra Club to go with solar instead of those new reactors. It got buried in you-know-what, but it's one of those interesting stories. I think it's refreshing when the extremes from both sides can agree on anything anymore.

“Some people have called this an unholy alliance,” said Debbie Dooley, founder of the coalition and a co-founder of the Atlanta Tea Party Patriots. She’s working with the Sierra Club to fight for solar and against nuclear power in Georgia. “We agree on the need to develop clean energy, but not much else.”

If you're serious about discussing nuclear energy, please start a new thread so the solar information in this thread is not buried any deeper. Thanks.