Hi everyone! My name is Jacob and I'm a new member here, though I've been lurking on the site for a couple months now. I just wanted to thank Lauren K and Steve C for their very recent updates. I'm from Portland, OR and am down in SoCal for a work conference, and was fortunate enough to manage to mix some pleasure into my trip, hence an upcoming Whitney attempt.

My party and I are heading up toward Whitney tomorrow, and hope to summit on Thursday. I'll take photos and try and get them up pretty quick because I know how important these trip reports/trail conditions have been for me, particularly since I don't live in the area.

We've got overnight permits, but are currently debating whether or not to do it all in one fell swoop, or to sleep at Trail Camp (or below) on Wednesday night. Taking the "camp low, hike high" philosophy in mind, along with the night-time temps and recent trip photos, we're definitely on the fence... any thoughts/recommendations?
