Marc74, The MR (Mountaineers Route) conditions will depend on what the weather has been like between now and then.

You are assuming much with the weather. Usually between now and late November, the weather brings more snow and cold. I would not take microspikes -- full-on crampons would be wiser. The stream that comes down the slabs above Lower Boy Scout Lake creates a very slick layer of ice on the granite slabs, so sharp crampons would be best.

You don't give any idea of your winter climbing experience, but it doesn't sound very strong. Climbing in icy conditions is completely different from summer.

Here are two posts to read:
    So, you want to climb the Mountaineer's Route in winter?
    SAR on the MR: 2/25/12

And a thread where you can read a spectrum of advice:
    Mountaineer's Route: Tackling the final 400' in January