If you want to attempt the summit this weekend, then I am willing to delay my hike in order to team up with you. I like the cold and have the gear. I won't go in fresh snow without a partner to help break a trail, though. We could share the pack loads and add redundancy for safety.
The weather looks bad for this weekend with high winds, light snow, and very cold temps but... the weather forecast does not preclude a summit hike for this weekend. The high winds die down for a Saturday hike to the high camp and the coldest temps moderate near the summit on Sunday... maybe. Of course, the weather may not follow the forecast.
Friday: Teens at the Portal campground. Sat : Single digits at the high camp at 12,000 ft. Sun : Rising temps at the summit.
Let me know if you are interested. Otherwise, I will try to summit and get down before the worst weather comes in.