My group summitted on Saturday. Nearly everyone is taking the switchbacks at this point. They are passable without any special equipment, but can be icy in the early morning. I went up the snow chute with ice axe and crampons and was the only person there all morning. The chute was crusty in the morning, but by 9am was pretty mushy. The snow is melting fast and the chute probably only has 1-2 weeks left.
From trail crest to the summit, there is a little bit of ice and a few snow patches along the way, but nothing serious, and no special equipment needed. Just watch your step. On the way down my entire group glissaded down the snow chute. The top 1/2 was kind of icy granular, but the second half was corn snow and a ton of fun. Lots of huge sun cups (2-3 ft deep) towards the bottom.