Went up the MR, and down the MT yesterday for anyone interested in conditions on either.
MR: Entirely free of snow until the chute. You can take the standard route at the beginning crossing the creeks or the Elephant's Ear. We saw some people taking the right side of the chute with axe and pons. You can take the left side that leads to the East Buttress then cross over to avoid the snow. There is snow at the Notch/beginning of the Final 400.
MT: The switchbacks are almost completely free of snow. The only part worth noting is the Cables, but it is hard ice. I thought about glissading down, but since I didn't go up, I didn't know the conditions. From the top, it looks like a thin layer hiding a lot of rocks underneath. I value my tail bone too much and will take the switchbacks anytime under yesterday's conditions.