It was such a pathetic sight when I got back to the Happy Isles trail head and grandmothers were whizzing past me and smirking.
I think going down the steep grades will let you know where you're at. That's what I have the most trouble with these days on hikes. I can go up all day (heart and quad muscle willing of course) but my knees are now in pain on just about any hike 10 miles or longer. I take along a wrap or brace which helps as do those trekking poles. Good luck!!! Got my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for you.
Oh my! Yeah I hate it when grannies smirk lol. Had something similar happen to me on a 2 mile all uphill bike ride to the summit of Day mountain in Acadia Natl Park on the carriage paths. Two British grannies on 3 speed bikes waved an excessively cheery 'Hello' as they motored right past us with very smug smiles.
I think I will plan to take a lot of vitamin I on the way out...
Thanks for the kind wishes. With my luck, Sept 13th to 16th will be the earliest winter blizzard on Mt whitney in recorded history....