saltydog is right on. The hikes you take prior to your summit attempt are going to let you know where you are at. BUT....I believe the most important thing is to KEEP YOUR GOAL. My goal was to summit on September 8th. I didn't make it. But, my goal to summit did not change and I reached the summit of Mt Whitney less than one month later. Keep your eye on the prize and schedule your workouts and hikes accordingly. Monitor your ankle. You will probably know pretty soon how your ankle will be. It will be the day you forget you actually had an injury.
And, I believe 2011 should be your goal, but if you don't succeed in making the summit, do as I did and call it a "practice hike". Then the same goal, different date: 2012.

"Turtles, Frogs & other Environmental Sculpture"
www.quillansculpturegallery.comtwitter: @josephquillan
If less is more, imagine how much more, more is -Frasier