Broke my leg (spiral fracture of the distal fibula)coming down from High Camp on Aconcagua, hiked down on it, got home to U.S., and had a plate put in early Feb 2008. I climbed up Mt. Washington (NH) in early June 2008. Because of limited range-of-motion, I couldn't go down and had to be taken down from the weather station by car. Once home I regularly hiked Mt. Baldy but the plate was bothering me so I had it removed early August 2008. Went back in a cast and PT again. Seven weeks later I left to climb Mt. Whitney wearing a 30 lb pack. I summited but my ankle cried the whole time - I looked at it as extreme physical therapy.

Now, while it wasn't pleasant I was on a training schedule. You need to see where you are in PT and with your doctor's blessing - make the call as the time gets closer.

My two cents worth.