NJ, grin I wasn't going to be one of those people who get carted out from trying Half Dome. I just limped very slowly until I found a place to sit down...rinse and repeat. I was actually doing okay going up, but I think it was the adrenaline. I fell off the proverbial cliff when I came off the Subdome. My right knee and ankle felt like they were going to fall off so I placed more weight on the left side which ended up hurting that side as well. LOL. I had so many people look at me. It was such a pathetic sight when I got back to the Happy Isles trail head and grandmothers were whizzing past me and smirking. cry

I think going down the steep grades will let you know where you're at. That's what I have the most trouble with these days on hikes. I can go up all day (heart and quad muscle willing of course) but my knees are now in pain on just about any hike 10 miles or longer. I take along a wrap or brace which helps as do those trekking poles. Good luck!!! Got my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for you.