Broke my ankle (actually just above) skiing at age 48 or so. No surgery was involved, but it was about 12 weeks for me before I could really go again. Two important things: bones build strength from exercise much like muscles do, so the difference between healing and strong enough is important. Second, everyone is different so only you and your doc can know for sure.

Lots of practice hikes can tell you a lot.

You may have one more thing going. I believe you can also camp at Lone Pine Lake, making for a very easy first day option or extra stop coming down, and providing another decision point, for the price of (someone) carrying only another pound or so in food.

But the approach in two or three mile increments is the easy part. The crux will be summit day, which is a ten mile round trip from Trail Camp. Although your load will be the lightest, there is no way to break that up safely, so you will have to be prepared to back off, maybe even pretty close to the summit. Not an easy choice.

Best to you.

Wherever you go, there you are.