2600fromatari,what a story! I promise I won't do anything to jeopardize my health. I am 50% weight bearing right now, working towards 100% in a frakenstein boot. The first step is walking around my 1 mile long mostly flat and circular neighborhood street. Next is to do a longer hike at a nearby state park along the Hudson River to guage distance with a pretty view and smooth gravel/dirt path which is easy underfoot. The last step is do a short hike of a few miles to a lake that is uphill (mostly paved due to heavy dog-walking traffic) to gauge my ankle's strength and recovery up and down steep grades, then finally on to an orange trail located after that same lake which will help judge uneven terrain capability with moderate grades. Crawling here would be doable lol, but I hear you. If I get in trouble the local rangers can help you get out via their ATV big-foot golf cart utility vehicle they use for trail maintenance (I helped some lost and exhaused novice hikers who could not find their way back to the parking lot in the heavy woods and confusing trails a few years ago and this is how they got them out).