For interested readers, the thread "
Grand Canyon - Rim to Rim interest?" in the "General Discussion" forum contains multiple posts by me detailing preparation and planning for this hike (as well as other posts of interest by others). I had promised a trip report and pictures after completion of my hike. This post in the "Trip Reports" forum is the initial one for "GRAND CANYON RIM TO RIM DAY HIKE -- OHMY GAWD!"
THE "trip report" -- per se -- might not be posted for a few days (or slightly longer). I've got LOTS to say, and I need to organize all my notes, compose something hopefully interesting to all, edit photos, pay bills, watch football -- LOL! You know the drill -- you can't always do what you'd prefer to do first . . . first!
So here's a preview teaser for the big report to come. The trip was successful (13 hours for the hike). But -- it was absolutely, positively, without question, by far . . . the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.
The question of the relative difficulty between a Whitney day hike on the main trail vs. a Grand Canyon rim to rim day hike has been explored both here (in the General Forum thread previously referenced) and elsewhere, with the apparent general feeling that the Whitney experience is tougher.
Perhaps my memories of my Whitney 2004 climb have been dulled, perhaps I had a day out of a hundred that didn't "click" -- but my rim to rim hike, unlike ANY other hike I've ever done, had me seriously wondering if I'd be able to complete it! So my vote has to be, right now -- the rim to rim hike is harder. (And since I'm more of a mountain than canyon fan, I hate to have to say that.)
How's THAT for the "teaser"? Stay tuned . . .