"Uncle" Bob? Only my niece and nephew can call me THAT! (You probably had my niece waiting for my "I'm OK." call in my report on your mind.)

The jacket came off sometime around 11ish in the morning when I was in The Box. It wasn't until then when the sun came up high enough over the rim for a long enough time that it became uncomfortable to continue wearing it.

And the long johns stayed on the whole time. Not sure if they're "thermal" or not. They keep the legs warm in the chills but really weren't too hot when the sun came out either.
And they add some sex appeal (chortle, chortle, guffaw, guffaw).

Thanks for the HTML coding to make the pictures clickable --you're obviously a computing whiz to run the site as well as you do, and beyond that I've got you tied with Lynn-A-Roo for nicest forum contributor! (Everyone else is only slightly behind in a tie for second. Remember -- we're hikers! We're ALL nice! grin )