Wonderful info from all who have posted. Thank you so much for your help.
As I noted I have my tickets now and arrive on Wednesday morning in Ontario at roughly 10. We are now discussing whether or not we should try for permits on both Friday and Saturday.
This would increase our chances of getting a permit. But if we get the one for Friday it also means one less day of acclimizing.
As it is, my plan is to get from Ontario to Horseshoe Meadows as quick as possible and either hike around some or just read a book.
I'm also setting up a doctors appointment to get some Diamox.
Hi Chicagowright,
I cannot tell from your post if you are seeking Overnight Permits, or Day Use Permits. The reason I ask is because the issue/release date is different for the two permits. For Day Use, you need to pick up the permit the day prior to entry. I "think" for Overnight, you can pick up the permit the day of entry. For Day Use permits you should enter and exit the zone on the same day, so in your earlier post you mentioned starting on Friday, and completing on Sat. This would not be "legal" using a day pass. In your most recent post you are considering a Sat. hike, which I think would have to be a Day User Permit, which would mean picking it up on Friday. Also, to do the Friday Day Hike, you would need to pick up the permit on Thursday.
I "think" I have this correct.