Originally Posted By: Chicagocwright

tingling in extremities and bad tasting beer, which don't seem all that serious or bad. What else should I be looking for; especially as I do a test within the next week or so? What side effects during the hike should I watch out for?

As we put together our plan it seems as though we are leaning toward spending the entire day at Horseshoe Meadow, a little bit of hiking and then reading in the car, but then come down and sleep in Lone Pine. This seems like an acceptable variation for acclimizing "Climb high, sleep low." Does this plan negate the positive effects of spending the day up high?

the tingling (paresthesias) can be severe enough to prevent sleep all night long. Nuff said. I don't care about the flat beer, but flat diet soda is terrible.

As for sleeping in Lone Pine - and many people do, it is too low, unless you are one of those people who by experience knows you are not AMS-prone. I learned this the hard way in 1994 when my younger son could barely move above Whitney Portal. Could only get as far as Outpost Camp, had to descend next day. He subsequently proved to need a few days of acclimatization at 7-10,000 first, and after doing so knocked off some impressive miles and peaks in the Sierras. Experience, experience, experience.

That rule should be something like "Climb higher, sleep less than that but not too low"