All of this info has been extremely helpful. Unfortunately, time is the factor I seem to have the least amount of control over so I have tried to identify everything else I can attempt to control. Maybe I am hoping Diamox will be the silver bullet but I am also hoping this trip was the aberration. As noted, my dad and I did a 13,000 ft. climb last year with no problems at all. I'm convinced the issue is partly just random and I just have to hope for good luck. Besides the fact that bad weather could blow up the entire trip.
When my dad started talking about the next full moon at the end of September and hiking himself, well I just had to get myself back from Alaska and the cheap airfare put it over the top. This is probably our last chance. The 28th is my dad's birthday in his late 60's and I'm not sure he wants to do the work to get in shape again. If we make it great, if not, maybe I'll get him to do Clouds Rest.