2600fromatari -- I appreciate your acknowledgment of my plans at age 70 (2015). But lets wait to see if the chicken actually gets hatched! I'm pretty sure I'll consider the Mountaineer's Route ONLY if I can find someone familiar with the route who would enjoy accompanying me (I've already lobbied Steve and am considering lobbying Laura grin.) I will want to day hike it going up the MR and down the main trail. If I decide against the MR then it's likely I'll do my second day hike of the main trail (first time was in 2004).

I'm not nearly so frequent a hiker of big routes as many of the people on this board, but I will be doing a rim to rim day hike of the Grand Canyon this October and promise a trip report.

Laura -- dynamite picture of Angel's Landing. I have a few pictures relevant to this thread (particularly one of a section of Camelback) I'd like to post but my understanding is that they have to be online to be linked to in posts here (right Steve?).

Also, Laura, fear not your "more detail", at least as far as this man is concerned. (Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I go by the mantra, "Why bother with a few words when 1,000 or so will do better?")

Tomcat rc -- I'm not sure what your "3X" (for HD - Half Dome), "27X" (for Mountaineer's Route), and "1X" (for Angel's Landing) mean at all. Could you elaborate, please?

Everyone -- comments all very interesting and I hope we get some more. It doesn't look like a Camelbacker has chipped in yet (maybe no Camelbacker has read the posts yet).

My obviously subjective thoughts based on what I know and have read thus far are that -- at least for me -- the "pucker factor" (related to exposure) is probably going to feel about the same for me at any of the 4 locations cited (I've so far only been to one of them -- Angel's Landing (other 3 locations MR final 400, MR E Ledges, Half Dome). That did not bother me that much and I'm thinking I'd likely have that same feeling for the other three locations). I'm thinking that the "difficulty" also is going to probably feel about the same to me at any of the 4 locations cited (the legs and arms workout appeared to be about the same for me at both Angel's Landing and Camelback Mountain and I haven't read anything yet to show me that it would be significantly easier or harder at Half Dome or the final 400).

(Did I say something earlier about a propensity to say a lot?! :))

Last edited by Whitney Fan; 04/20/12 04:24 PM. Reason: clarify locations for exposure and difficulty