Again, YMMV based on what freaks you out the most. For me, it's edges, not heights. Sometimes, even a 10ft drop will freak me out if I'm too close to the edge.
I'm the same way. 10ft doesn't usually bother me, but even dropping into the top of a steep run while snowboarding sometimes freaks me out if it has a pronounced edge.
How crowded does Angels Landing get on weekends? When I did HD there weren't too many people on the cables. However, one of the times I've been most sketched out while hiking was on the Mist Trail below Vernal Falls at 10AM on a Saturday with several hundred of my fellow nature lovers. (We were headed to Nevada Falls and got a late start) There was a person on pretty much every step, and there were quite a few people with hiking poles who were using them to painstakingly haul themselves up the wet steps. I kept wondering how many people they would take out if their pole slipped. There were also a lot of people who needed to stop and rest every few steps, and many would stand in the middle of the trail instead of picking a wide step and scooting off to the side so people could pass safely. If Angels Landing gets crowded I'm thinking it could look like a bad combination of that and the HD cables.
Angels Landing looks the worst to me not because of difficulty or actual risk, but because there isn't any comforting wall of rock to stare at when the vertigo kicks in. The final 400 of the MR, OTOH, looks like fun.