All interesting posts thus far . . . I'm hoping to see more comment specifically on the exposure comparison between the Mountaineer's Route (which might be sub-divided between the final 400 and Ebersbacher Ledges), Angel's Landing, and Half Dome. AND the difficulty comparison between those three as well as Camelback Mountain (I wouldn't say exposure is an issue with Camelback).

Laura, you've apparently experienced those first three. I think you are looking at the MR with the most pucker factor, but it wasn't clear. How would you rate the three in comparison with each other? Or -- maybe they're all essentially equal in your mind?

And -- others -- same thing for you if you've been on all three.

Now, clarifying "difficulty" -- throwing out exposure AND length of hike/climb -- I'm still curious as to how all 4 places compare (considering only the final 400 on the Mountaineer's Route). I've done Angels Landing and Camelback, and based on those visits and what I've read and seen about the other two, I'm postulating that they are all essentially equal in difficulty. Laura -- and others -- what say you about that? (To me, they all appear to be about the same in using both your hands and feet to the max, giving you a strenuous time, and keeping your mind busy finding your route.)

(This is what you call long term sneaky research in anticipation of a possible Mountaineer's Route visit in 3 years at age 70!)