2600fromatari -- I like to think my intellect is my biggest asset, but it undoubtedly went south with my failing to understand the "X"'s. Your explanation has got to be the correct one. I appreciate your potential availablity to do the MR with me some day -- and I appreciate your compliment, once again, about my ambitions given my age. (Those ambitions seemed to be in play Saturday night when I headed home at 7:30 AM in the morning after a night at a local Las Vegas club!)
Steve -- thanks so much for your revelation that I apparently CAN post some pictures here without using an external web site to host them. I'll do just that in another post. And regarding your possibly doing the rim to rim hike at the Grand Canyon . . . were you implying you might do one THIS fall? If so, unless your planning to camp (and I haven't researched those options), be advised that reservations for north and south rim hotels must be made WAY in advance. (I made mine a full year or more in advance.) I doubt that you'd be able to reserve at the North Rim (with only one hotel) for this fall at this time.
Laura -- when you say "You said this was next year, right?", I'm not sure if you are referring to the rim to rim hike (which will be THIS year) or my potential Mountaineers Route hike (which will be not NEXT year but in 2015!). If that doesn't answer your question please let me know.
CMC2 -- looks like we both are refusing to "grow up", huh?! Your assessment of being able to do the MR mirrors my thinking.