Hi Lynn-a-roo. Entry date Sept 13 and exit date Sept 15. If I can do distance the the 13th is Portal to Trail camp, 14th is Summit and back to Trail camp and the 15th is Trail Camp to the Portal.
If I am slow then Tues Sept 15 to Outpost, Wed 14th to Trail camp, Thurs 15th to summit and back to Trail camp and Fri 16th Trail camp back to Portal.
I have a feeling it will be how many hours I can walk as opposed to the distance itself.
Not a good year for an ankle injury (lol didn't think I would have one when I mailed the permit on Feb 1st) but the doctor knows about Whitney and says I can do it with motivation and PT for getting back strength and flexibility. He thinks I will be back to even surfaces (we have rail trails and carriage paths in my area) by May/June and uneven surfaces (real rocky east coast trails) by July.