Is the volume up this year compared to last? Looking at the March 9th status update, it seems like that's a huge amount of requests and a huge amount of unsuccessful applications. I seem to recall stats from 2010 being much more forgiving already, but I can't find the stats I'm referring to.
When people request groups, are there lots of 15-person requests that fill things up quickly? Just curious.
Kurt, last year, they processed 7,333 applications, and 55% were successful. So that means there were 3300 rejects, and 4033 successful.
This year, as of March 9, they had received almost the same number, 7,335. With only 6 days after that where they were accepting applications, I doubt the number rose much higher.
I am pretty sure they just took the whole pile of rejects, stuffed them into envelopes, and mailed them. It is easier to mail those than to run the credit cards or cash the checks on the successful ones. Since there are so few successes being reported, the longer you wait, (in my mind) the more likely you are to have gotten a slot.