Okay, so I've been having fun trying to line up permits and have a couple quick questions:
What is the possibility of the reverse direction working out? So I'd start with Whitney, get it out of the way then head north to Russel and Williamson. Have the option to exit via Shepherds Pass as well.
While the Whitney to Russel trek looks a bit more daunting in that direction, the rest seems pretty similar to coming down from the north.
Granted, I'd have to get lucky with the lottery, but trying to get entry and exit permits available at the same time has been fun.

Did snag a 7 day permit in mid August, but might be useful to have a backup plan.
What is the difference between and "Overnight Permit" and a "Cross Country Permit"?
Rec.gov mentions "Cross Country permit type for Sphinx Creek and Brewer Range, Sixty Lakes and Gardner Basin areas)".
But as far as I can see, the availability for the two types is the same and my route doesn't hit those areas anyway.