To my knowledge, (and I will state my case, but defer to Steve absolutely), the issue with exiting the Whitney region isn't specifically travelling over TC, but passing through the WZ to the Portal.
Both the MWMT and MR pass, inescapably, through the WZ. Further complicating factor: IIRC the N. Fork of Lone Pine Creek (MR) has an even tighter limit on permits (day and overnight).
Although the number of people hoping to exit via the MR is low... but IIRC the same TC Exit Quota applies to anyone exiting through the WZ to the Portal.
Though I might be wrong, here is what doesn't make sense to me: The whole purpose with the quota system is to minimize adverse affect of too many people passing through the WZ. It doesn't make sense (IMHO) that simply opting to exit via a rougher route. in the same zone would escape the stringent quotas.
Again, Steve will probably know better but I had to push back a little if something didn't seem to match up with the 13+ different times I've gotten permits in/out/passing through the Whitney Zone.
Last edited by Snacking Bear; 02/27/17 02:11 PM. Reason: spellign