Okay, so would this be the possible route:

Day 1: Shepherd Pass
Camp near the lake near the pass

Day 2: Mt Williamson
Return to same camp

Day 3: Mt Tyndall
Return to same camp. Depending on time and body condition smile break camp and head towards JMT and camp when I feel like it.

Day 4-5?: Hike towards and along Wallace Creek.
Camp near Tulalnyo Lake

Day 6?: Climb Mt Carlillon and Mt Russell (not sure of the approach to Russell, this seems like a natural path looking at the map)

Day 7?: Is it possible to traverse the ridge from Russell to Whitney? This may be a long shot by this point in the trip anyway.

Day 7-8?: Return to portal (by MR or Whitney Trail).

Not too sure of the approach to Russel and if going over to Whitney is possible.

Do you have any GPX tracks for some of these routes you're suggesting?

Last edited by WanderingJim; 01/30/17 10:35 PM.