I'm not going to claim scientific precision on my weights, it was me on scales without bear vault and me on scales with bear vault, but it tallied with my estimate of the amount of stuff I'd put into it. It was the original smooth sided 2005 model bear vault (which was very slightly easier to pack than the modern ones with bumps and lips) but I think the same size. If the food is much already (powdered stuff or trail mix) then mushing doesn't do a lot of damage. The tortillas tended to fall apart at the edges a bit and the snickers needed eaten from the wrapper, but that was about all that I can remember being an issue.
For my current planned trip I'm weighing much more accurately since I'm preparing everything at home, rather than at a trail angel's house on the PCT, and the ability to get 7+kg into the bear vault gives me no reason to doubt my previous measurements. Last time I followed most of tom's instructions to the letter - repackaging, mushing etc. Once I get to the 'mushing' stage I'll happily post a picture of the packed bear vault and a list of the contents - my latest expectation is I'll get about 8kg in, hampered by the fact that my son doesn't like instant mash or any other powdered food.
Edited to add - couscous is great, but instant mash I think is still the best because you can add a lot of olive oil before it gets too gunky. Pasta and couscous get oily and unpleasant for me.
Last edited by britonwhit(ney); 06/17/14 11:25 AM.