Our plan this summer (28 or 29 days on trail), not as fast moving as usual with more time for side trips and slower cross country routes:
- First stop Tuolumne Meadows (in bear locker at ranger station in parking lot where our car will be left for the month)
- Second package at Reds Meadows (hand deliver before hike with an overnight acclimation stay at Reds Campground)
- Third resupply at VVR (no ferry, we hike in over Goodale, out over Bear Crossing or Ridge)
- Fourth stop - MTR, no package mailed, just hiker barrel, recharge batteries, move on quickly. Was planning to hike food in, but don't really need it
- Fifth resupply - Parcher's Resort (because we are on the High Route through Dusy Basin anyway, it won't be so far off the trail)
- Sixth resupply - Mt. Williamson Motel deal at Kearsarge, pickup, overnight, return next morning.
We should never have more than 7 days of food on us, with VVR to Parchers and Parchers to Kearsarge being the longest legs. we have one Expedition and one regular Bearikade, so plenty of room for even less than ideal food (e.g. Mountain House Chili Mac, which is more air than chili until you add water)
I am also using one of the later resupplies to add camera gear to my pack late in the hike. That avoids the common first day weight shock, that inevitably leads to leaving most of the lenses and./or tripod I planned on bringing in the car before walking out. When we get to the resupply with the extra camera gear, I will have lost the equivalent weight off my body anyway.