9 days of food in a bearvault? Is this really doable? It's hard to find concrete info about this. I've also never used a bearvault or seen one in person.
It's also hard to gauge how quickly we will be able to get through the second half of the trip. The guidebook I have averages 11ish miles per day so it's 10 days from MTR (although we could probably cut the last day out). Like I said, the people we are going with are quite a bit slower than us so I am trying to imagine worst case scenario. I guess the tricky thing is you don't want to have to carry more food than necessary, either.
Sounds like most people resupply a couple times through the trip. I was going to try to get away with only one resupply - seems a bit silly to resupply after only a couple of days. The Canadian postal service is a bit of a disaster so I'm guessing it's going to be ridiculously expensive to send a few buckets of food from here. How come MTR is so popular? My guidebook suggests VVR because it is cheapest and nice because of the free accommodation, good food, etc. Is it likely the boat will be not running in August, though?
* The guidebook I'm using is the Cicerone Guide by Alan Castle - found it in the UK because I couldn't find anything decent at home!