I did JMT last August solo south bound from Happy Isles to Whitney Portal with the following food supply plan. Even if you are in Canada I don't see why you cant ship your food parcels ahead of time! I am a slow hiker about 10 to 12 miles per day and this is what I did.
Started with 3 days of food from HI
Picked up 4 days of food at Tuolumne meadows post office (They keep for 2 weeks), Just mail it to yourself care of PO
Picked up 5 days of food at Red's meadow (you can mail them ahead and they charge $1 per day + some transportation fee for picking up from Mammoth PO)
Picked 8 days of food at the MTR (Muir Trail Ranch) - I skipped VVR as it was too expensive and the lake was very dry!
My friends brought food at Kearsarge for 5 days. You can also mail your food to the Berner Packers (Dee Berner, Sequoia Kings Pack Trains, Em: bernerspack@yahoo.com, Tel: 800-962-0775 ). Dee is very responsive and you should get a quote immediately.
Check other trip reports in this discussion group and also in Yahoo groups. Plenty of info there.