Originally Posted By: Chicagocwright
My crazy idea if people feel strongly about it: Some civil disobedience.

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Even if the collection bin is not properly maintained, would it be better than the alternative of discarded WAG Bags all over the trail?

By the way I am in favor of brainstorming and immediate discussion of the ideas. In a forum like this, people will lose interest and never move on to the next step if the crazy ideas aren't shot down right away.

Would people who otherwise believe in LNT be willing to participate in something like this which, at least in the short term, violates the LNT principles?

The problem with leaving full wag bags or unauthorized containers is that it violates a perfectly acceptable and necessary regulation: no littering. It does not focus on the provision being protested.

Here's a civil disobedience idea that does not violate LNT and does focus on the problem: do not carry the wag bag. Do not use the wag bag. Once on the trail, let it be known that you are not carrying a wag bag. I don't see anything anywhere suggesting that it is required to carry a wag bag, only that you pack out your waste. And that is not a rule, only a policy. What will the ticket for not carrying your wag bag cite as a violation?

This also means that for a true CD action, you must not pack out your waste. That means, the ranger has to witness you leaving your waste behind. Deposit your waste according to proper backcountry practices: away from water, 6 inches deep, pack out the TP. Be meticulous in your habits, and invite the ranger to witness them. Even then, what is the ranger going to cite you for? There is no regulation requiring you to either use or carry a wag bag. The only prohibition is on leaving the wag bag behind, and that's a legitimate reg.

Wherever you go, there you are.