Moving forward is a complicated process by any path. It involves technical, political, and possibly legal challenges. There has to be a motivation of some sort. The motivation may come as a water pollution issue, or from Rangers tired of picking up bags, or from a unified public, or from new management. The public seems divided on the issue and generally apathetic, but anything is possible.

To kick things off, here is a parital list of previously discussed solutions (no particular order):

- Do nothing and continue with current WAG Bag system as is.

- Lower quotas similar to other trails with catholes. Here's a link to Eastern Sierra trail quotas. Whitney current has 185 permits per day, but the average Inyo trail is about 15-30 per day. That's why some sort of waste management system is necessary. But the public demand for access to this peak exceeds the existing quota, which is why there's a lottery for permits, so lowering the quota would be like locking people out.

- Collection bins for WAG Bags. Use llamas or mules to pack them out.

- Solar toilets serviced by llamas or mules
. - One toilet at Outpost Camp, WAG Bags on Upper Trail
. - Solar toilets at both Outpost and Trail Camps

- A la carte solution.

- Fresh ideas.

Give this some thought, and share your ideas while keeping the ground rules in mind. This is not a scientific poll to gauge public sentiment, it's a brainstorming opportunity.