Littering is a different citation, and of course that would apply to WAG bags just like potato chip bags. I suspect more people would just not use the WAG bag at all. Others would simply remove the label.

Legal enforcement of WAG Bags bothers me personally because of the arrogant way it was forced onto the public with a rush to torch the toilets. They should have followed the process through to the end and left options available.

If labels were to be used, I think the incentive approach would be more effective to motivate people. Charge a deposit and get a refund. That would encourage people to pick up bags. The idea of a bar code scanner at the trail head dumpster was mentioned. This doesn't solve the other issues with carrying human waste, but it might be an improvement on the current system. I suspect some people will be willing to forfeit the deposit rather than carry the bag out.

Funny, but the toilet system on Long's Peak RMNP doesn't seem to generate any discussion that I can find. The system seems to work just fine.