Hey Tom, There is an effort to reintroduce Grizzlies to California. It hasn't done well, but I'm not against the conversation.
As a note, a Grey Wolf entered California a few weeks back, the first Grey Wolf in California since the last one was killed in our state in 1924. It had been tracked via GPS for a while in Oregon and crossed the border into California.
Grey Wolf enters Californiaas a note, I did some research on Black Bears an Grizzlies a couple of years ago, and I think (though I would need to research it again to confirm) there have been more Black Bear attacks in North America than Grizzlies. I'm sure the reason would be human proximity and a higher number of Black Bears. But again, that's just my memory, so if I get a chance, I'll look at it again. The key word there is "attacks", not deaths.