As tdtz said, but one other comment:

There are few things that people worry about as much as bears. This is understandable, but unfounded. In Ca, we only have the Black Bear, there are no Grizzlies.

Black Bears are animals that are historically prey animals, like deer. Their first instinct is to run, unlike Grizzlies, which is to charge.

They have absolutely no interest in humans, ONLY our food. While we are asleep, the may creep up in an attempt to "grab and run", but they are not going to jump on a hiker to get that power bar in your pocket.

There is no recorded death by a Black Bear in Ca.

Many people fear that bears will sense they are afraid and attack. However, most people who see bears close-up ARE afraid-and are NOT attacked.

There are many misconceptions of Black Bears, and confusion with Grizzlies.

The best source of scientific information is the North American Bear Center: