I was scoped in 2002 for a small meniscus tear and also removal of scar tissue behind the patella. The first few months for me were pretty discouraging in terms of rehab and being able to get out and enjoy the outdoors. The main focus, for me, was developing knee stability and strength, both slowly through careful and CONSISTENT exercises. Already being somewhat of a gym-rat and working with my physical therapist, I was able to incorporate important PT exercises into my workouts on a daily basis. I still to this day utilize many of the exercises I learned and practiced to maintain strength and stability in both of my knees.

My suggestion is this:

1. Follow the recovery advice of your surgeon and Physical Therapist to the letter.
2. Be patient! The recovery process will take time -how much depends on your body but expect at least 3-6 months of hard work before you feel close to 100% confidence in your knee (it took me a year). The mountains will be there when you are ready.
3. Be religiously diligent in your physical therapy, don't slack off because it doesn't hurt or it feels fine. Always be thinking of keeping your knees (yes both) strong and stable.

Good luck!

"Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying" Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption