Hi Bob,
I'm in awe and deep respect of you after having read how many climbs you have made, and especially because you seem to finish every climb you begin.
Thank you for your kind response to my outlandish response to you skiing down from the summit. I've been a downhill/alpine skier all my life and I've always loved to ski FAST and the thought of nordic skiing from the summit never came to mind when I read your post. As I read your post I saw the summit in my mind as it appears to me from the backside of the windows... to me it looks like an Olympic ski jump and I pictured you flying down on your skis into the abyss or racing down the tiny trail on the backside with the cliff to your right, it seemed unbelievable. You brought out the fiery Italian side of me and I blurted my thoughts out on the WZ. I've calmed down. I'll try to keep myself in check from now on. Thanks for listening.
I hope everyone will continue to post their summits and attempts. I was really enjoying reading all the posts. I'm inspired to summit again because the number of summits I have are so few compared to others.
Last edited by lynn-a-roo; 10/06/10 06:23 PM.